
Album: The Dethalbum (I) ; Artist: Dethklok

Icy cold!
Dethalbum: Dethklok's first album from the show Metalocalypse

Assumed Genre
Metal, Melodic Death Metal
Dethalbum I
Williams Street
Spotify Link
Cartoon Network Adult Swim

Nathan Explosion
Lead, Rhythm Guitar
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Rhythm Guitar
Toki Wartooth
William Murderface

Brendon Small
Lead, Rhythm Guitar
Brendon Small
Rhythm Guitar
Brendon Small
Gene Hoglan
Brendon Small

Dethklok is a virtual band created by Brendon Small in Cartoon Network's Adult Swim's show Metalocalypse. The show is about the brutal life and times of Dethklok who tends to get into morbidly deadly and comedic situations. Brendon Small writes "all music" for the show after graduating from  Berklee College of Music. Small also voice acts and writes the show. I'd like to take the moment to applaud Small for creating superb metal.

Brendon Small: Check out the Gibson Explorer.

I haven't been able to stop listening to this album after finishing the four seasons of Metalocalypse. The lyrics are comical in that they exaggerate gruesome situations like mermaid murder in "Murmaider" and graduating in "Go Forth and Die." Naturally they make me laugh, but it's difficult to do so when the music itself is sooo good! I find myself head-banging and singing along whenever I play this album.

"Murmaider" was the reason why I started to watch Metalocalypse. It was stuck in my head so often I decided to simply indulge myself in the show.

The chord progressions in "Into the Water" are magnificent! After tuning my guitar to C, I couldn't stop playing the progression when I practiced.

"Awaken" is my top track for this album. Lyrics, according to the show, were taken from a Danish book of necromantic spells. Extremely fun to play.

Since it is the season of graduations, I shared "Go Forth and Die" to fellow graduates. Favorite lyrics from this song: "Move in with your parents/Back into the dark/Landed where you started/Bachelor of Arts."

"Thunderhorse" is featured in Guitar Hero II. I appreciate that the difficulty on the game barely gives it justice.

Pickles the Drummer vocals in "Hatredcopter" paired with Nathan Explosion's (both voiced by Brendon Small) gives the song a different sides of metal vocalists stereotypes.

The London Philharmonic orchestra allegedly contributes to the instrumentation in "Detharmonic."

I can't wait for the rock opera "Metalocalypse: the Doomstar Requiem" in October! Stay tuned for Galaktikon!

Bandsite: Dethklok or Brendon Small


Album: Monomania; Artist: Deerhunter

Interesting neon sign
MONOMANIA: Deerhunter's sixth album

CD Profile
Assumed Genre
Indie Rock,Ambient punk
4AD Records

Band Members
 Lead Guitar and Vocals
Bradford James Cox
Guitar and Multi-instruments
Lockett Pundt
Drummer and Keyboardist
Moses Archuleta
Frankie Broyles
Josh McKay


I surfed the web while listening to this. It's very chill. A lot of foot tapping.

Almost all songs are moderate in tempo (96-132 bpm).

There is an interesting choice of percussion in some songs, like the tambourine. Electronic elements give the music an ambient feel. Distortion to guitars also add to the ambient classification; however, clean acoustic guitars are also used. The lyrics are repetitive and catchy. Vocals are somewhat raspy, which I personally love. There's also a lot of vocal experimentation with audible breathing that adds a touch of reality to the fantastical music.

Bandsite: Click Here


Album: Lejos. No Tan Lejos. ; Artist: Hello Seahorse!

Hello Seahorse! provides a voice so melodic and haunting. Someone must have told the lead singer she sounded what folk legend character La Llorona sounded like because she did a song about her that illustrated perfectly what she might sound like.

I've provided lyrics here: Foreign Lyrics.

This music's very poppy and ambient-like. I can't tire of listening to lead singer Denise's opera-like voice.

I also find most of lyrics to be accusations. And full of self-motivational/proof phrases.

For the next song skip to 5:42 for an acoustic version of Casa Vacia.

Credits to: Ivant-Garde